Here’s a great story of visiting David Bowie’s house on 20th street in Chelsea, Manhattan. Cherry Vanilla and I were invited to go to the circus with Angie Bowie [his wife] and Zowie Bowie [his son Duncan Jones, now a film director]. At one point, Angie asked me if I could look at David’s reel to reel tape recorder since I was making music and had one. She said it was not working. I used the opportunity to snoop around his 3 story townhouse to peer into the life of my favorite rock star…! Enjoy and please subscribe, it helps YouTube increase the visibility of these videos, the more people Subscribe…AND… you’ll get a gentile notice on YouTube if any new videos are uploaded. Thanx!

S1 E6 - NYC 1970's Before They Were Famous!
S1 E8 - Sylvester, Divine, Gloria Gaynor, Meco