Season 2

S2 E9 – When I Met The Sex Pistols, Klaus Nomi & Lance Loud

Here's a cool story when I met these cool underground Icons. Kind of funny when I met Sid and Nancy [Sex Pistols Band]. I didn't even know who they were, but Sid taught me chorus to "Anarchy In The UK' that Lance Loud [first reality tv star 1970s] and I did at the New Wave Vaudeville show NYC, where I met my dear friend Klaus Nomi. Check out this bit of Underground NYC music history!

S2 E7 – The Sat Nite Fever $$$ Million Dollar Blunder!

I was involved with the massive anniversary event of the film Saturday Night Fever . It was for a major local New york radio station 92-WKTU. This even was so big it had millions of dollars in its budget and took over 4 whole blocks, and the original club where the original famous dance floor was filmed, in Brooklyn, NY. A series of mistakes [not on my part] that snowballed in an 11th hour cancellation was pure disaster. Listen to this unfold in this behind the scenes episode.

S2 E6 – How I Actually Make Music The Inside Scoop

People of wonder and ask what is my process to making music, especially since I have no music training, can neither read or write music, or often know what musical ket i'm in. It's all done by ear! Check out my process I use to make everything from simple dace music to films cores with 200 piece orchestra and 100 person choirs!

S2 E5 – When I Met Michael Jackson & Did His Remix

Here's a cool story of when I met Michael Jackson. I had just finished my performance @ Studio 54 in New York City. There's a video on that, Madonna was my opening act. After my show which Michael saw, he asked to meet me. Check out this cool story that led me to remix one of his songs.

S2 E4 – Bowie’s Manager Was My Manager Too. Nightmare!

David Bowie's Manager Tony De Fries [Main Man Management] picked me up, when Elektra Records met me in The Hit Factory recording studio in NYC. Tony saw an opportunity to make some money. He never heard of me before that meeting.

S2 E3 – Hip Hop Be Bop’s Shady Promotions

My monster hit 1984 record "Hip Hop Be Bop" was a worldwide smash success. But... what did it take to get it there. Some very shady doings. Check out this behind the scenes true story of how this record got promoted.

S2 E2 – Dating A Multi Millionaire Fred Mueller

I was single and lonely. My friend Cherry Vanilla set me up with a super millionaire on a blind date. What unfolded was a hysterical nightmare! Funny episode with some adult-themed topics! But funny!

S2 E1- Male Stripper Song / Man2Man Real Story

Is is a hard one. I tell the truth about what happened with Man2Man and the crazy story behind the 1980's Male Stripper #1 hit single. It's not what you'd expect at all. I tell it all.